2ND KV7 Channels Symposium 2023 in Naples

Dear Colleagues, After the success of the 1st Symposium in 2019, and the forced stop due to the pandemic, we felt that it was time for a new gathering of scientists working in the Kv7 world for sharing their results and ideas, interacting with other members of the Kv7 community and initiating fruitful collaborations. KCNQ-encoded Kv7


13 Settembre 2023


15 Settembre 2023

Dear Colleagues,

After the success of the 1st Symposium in 2019, and the forced stop due to the pandemic, we felt that it was time for a new gathering of scientists working in the Kv7 world for sharing their results and ideas, interacting with other members of the Kv7 community and initiating fruitful collaborations.

KCNQ-encoded Kv7 channels hold a special place in many people’s hearts because they are major regulators of cellular function in the heart, brain, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and epithelia and Kv7 dysfunction  is implicated in many diseases including arrhythmia, epilepsy, deafness and hypertension.

The last four years have seen the emergence of structural information and new pathophysiological roles for Kv7 channels, as well as the expansion of the arsenal of Kv7 modulators which represent potential therapeutic tools for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders as diverse as sleep and behavioural disorders, as well as urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, asthma, pre-term labour and constipation.

This symposium will showcase the myriad aspects of Kv7 research, with emphasis on emerging research areas. Contributions from leading academics and pharmaceutical company representatives will provide a programme that will stimulate all attendees irrespective of their interest in these fascinating and enigmatic channels.

The Kv7 Channels Symposium 2023 will again be hosted at the University of Naples Federico II in the beautiful surroundings of the bay of Naples, Italy.

We look forward to seeing you in Naples! Kind regards,

Prof. Iain Greenwood, Institute of Molecular & Clinical Sciences, St George’s, University of London (Symposium Chair)

Prof. Maurizio Taglialatela, Department of Neuroscience, University of Naples Federico II (Symposium Chair)

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Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Scienze Riproduttive e Odontostomatologiche


DIRETTORE: Prof. Ciro Costagliola

VICEDIRETTORE: Prof. Maurizio Guida

Didattica: Prof. M.D. Mignogna
Ricerca: Prof. M. Taglialatela
Nuove tecnologie: Prof. V. Mirone
Rapporti assistenziali: Prof. G. Servillo
Terza Missione: Prof.ssa R. Lanzillo


VQR e valutazione del Dipartimento: Prof. G. Pignataro
Rapporti con il Comitato Etico: Prof. V. Brescia Morra
Sito web: Prof. F. Esposito Prof. G. Saccone
Rappresentanza di Genere: Prof.ssa A. Secondo
Orientamento studenti: Prof.ssa A. Pannaccione
Scuole di Specializzazione: Prof. F. Tranfa
Corsi di Laurea Triennali: Prof. M. Locci
Internazionalizzazione: Prof. G. Sammartino e Prof. D. Strianese


Email: dip.neuro-scienze-rip-odonto@unina.it
Segreteria: 081 746.2106
Indirizzo: Via S. Pansini, 5 – 80131 Napoli – Edificio 13