Educational organization

The course, lasting three years (180 CFU), is divided into three curricula:



The course provides for didactic activities organized in specific teachings of common interest to the other PhD programs of the School of Medicine. There are seminars and advanced courses in English on neuroscience topics held by Italian and foreign teachers, preparatory to writing the thesis. In any case, the research activity will be prevalent; each doctoral student attends a laboratory under the guidance of a tutor to learn the techniques necessary to carry out research activities and to carry out an autonomous project aimed at developing the thesis. A training period abroad is also planned. Each year there is a presentation in English concerning the progress of the research aimed to pass to the following year. Specific seminar activities held by PhD students, also on the occasion of the annual meeting of Neuroscience PhD students traditionally organized by Federico II University, will serve to prepare the PhD student to:

  1. presentations to be held at national and international conferences;
  2. publish the results obtained during the PhD course in indexed scientific journals with a high impact factor;
  3. formulate, in the advanced stages of training and in preliminary form, a research project to be submitted for approval for funding by public or private entities.


As required by the current legislation and regulations of the Federico II University, it is also expected that the PhD student participates in the teaching activities of the Degree Courses pertaining to the School of Medicine.

The official language of the Neuroscience PhD program is English.

PhD thesis

The PhD course concludes with the presentation of a written thesis, which is previously evaluated by at least two expert reviewers external to the College, and submitted to a Commission of three industry experts on the occasion of a public seminar held by the candidate in English. At the end of the PhD, the University of Naples Federico I issues the title of PhD in Neuroscience.

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